Green Roof Guidelines - Guidelines for the Planning, Construction and Maintenance of Green Roofs
The FLL "Green Roof Guidelines - Guidelines for the Planning, Construction and Maintenance of Green Roofs" were developed from the "Principles for Green Roofing" published in 1982 and have been revised several times since 1990. They are recognized as a benchmark set of guidelines for green roofs in Germany. Abroad, the FLL Green Roof Guidelines are noted with great acceptance and serve as a basis for the development of national regulations in some neighboring countries.In a major change compared to the 2008 edition, the topic 'Securing against material displacement on flat and pitched roofs' has been fundamentally revised. For the first time, the different forms of material displacement, such as surface erosion, slippage and exceeding the angle of repose are now considered separately. Corresponding safeguards against these three types of material relocations are described. In addition, topics have been supplemented that are subject to technical developments and where new issues have arisen. Turf greening has been taken up as a vegetation with its own turf substrate requirement profiles. The issue of biodiversity of green roofs is another new topic being considered, since a better protection of the flora and fauna than providing habitats on roofs will hardly be possible to achieve in urban areas. Other new topics are 'solar systems on green roofs', as well as, retention performance of green roofs'. Finally, the information on the neighboring works of roof and building waterproofing has been adapted due to the extensive and fundamental changes of DIN 18195, DIN 18531, DIN 18532 and DIN 18533.For current and other efforts to increase the share of green infrastructures in urban areas (e.g. white paper Urban Green), the FLL green roof guidelines are an important instrument in the structural implementation of these goals.